Trening på Bali – nye perser og nytt program, :-)

Nå har jeg vært på Bali å studert Personlig Trening gjennom Active Education i ca 9 av 14 uker, og er ferdig med 2 av 3 eksamener, grunnet mangel på et sted å trene skikkelig olympisk vektløfting har jeg ikke fått trent helt som ønsket, men jeg har gjort det beste ut av det, og det har gått rimelig bra 🙂

Siden jeg ankom har jeg gått ned i kroppsvekt fra rundt 76,5 til 75-75,5 kg, samtidig som jeg har økt min 1RM i knebøy og frontbøy fra hendholdsvis 142,5 til 152,5, og 125 til 132,5. Det må jeg si meg veldig fornøyd med! Treningsstrategiene til John Broz basert rundt daglig maksing, ser ut til å fungere meget godt! De siste månedene har jeg trent 6 dager i uka, og rotert mellom frontbøy og knebøy annenhver dag – opp til 1RM (alltid forsøk på ny pers), så 3RM også 3RM med 3 sek pauser i bunn. 6 dager i uka, med unntak av totalt 2-3 dager de siste 9 ukene.

Les også: Trener du nok?

Nå har jeg laget et nytt program for de siste 5 ukene, som jeg deler her:
* 5RM-RP10S betyr en 5 Rep Maks med 10 Sekunder Rest-Pause, en teknikk hvor jeg kjører 1 rep også tar 10 sek pause før neste, for totalt 5 repetisjoner. Da kan jeg trente tungt (oppmot 95 % av 1RM) for flere reptisjoner. Jeg har aldri testet ut denne strategien før, så det blir spennende.. 🙂

‘Teknisk og støtteøvelser’ består av teknikktrening med pinne, fulle rykk/støt, og alle mulige varianter; styrke, fra heng (knær), styrke fra heng (knær), fra heng (hofte), styrke fra heng (hofte), snatch balance og overhead squat.

Hver økt tar 2,5-3,5 timer. Det ville ikke tatt mer enn 2,75 timer om alt utstyr var ledig på gymmet hele tiden..

Dette er MIN trening for vektløfting, og ingen templat eller anbefaling for andre!

Mandag, onsdag og fredag:

  • Rykk: Teknisk og støtteøvelser – Ramp til 3x40kg:
  • Lave Rykkdrag: 2×3:
  • Støt: Teknisk og støtteøvelser – Ramp til 3x60kg:
  • Lave Støtdrag: 2×3:
  • Knebøy: Ramp til 1RM + 5RM-RP10S:
    – 1RM:
    – 5RM-RP10S:
  • Pendlay Rows: 2x8RM:
  • A: Z-Bar Curls: 2x10RM:
  • B: Stir the pot: 2xMS:


Tirsdag, torsdag og lørdag:

  • Rykk: Teknisk og støtteøvelser – Ramp til 3x40kg:
  • Høye Rykkdrag: 2×3:
  • Støt: Teknisk og støtteøvelser – Ramp til 3x60kg:
  • Høye Støtdrag: 2×3:
  • Push-Press: 2x3RM:
  • Frontbøy: Ramp til 1RM + 5RM-RP10S:
    – 1RM:
    – 5RM-RP10S :
  • Benkpress: Ramp til 1RM + 8RM:
    – 1RM:
    – 8RM:

Alle økter:

Dynamisk oppvarming: Før trening.
Aktiveringsøvelser: Under.

  • Rehab/Prehab, egenmasasje & tøying: Mot slutten.


Her følger noen videoer fra treningen min her på Bali:


  1. Hvor lenge tror du at du kan fortsette å øke på et såpass lavt volum og høy intensitet? Daglig maksing må jo være slitsomt for CNS

  2. Vel, jeg er ikke enig i alt John broz sier – men jeg tror han har et poeng.

    Her er litt av John Broz og Glenn Pendlay sine tanker om dette;

    John Broz om adapsjoner til daglig tung trening – det er også tilpasninger i hjernen:
    – «@crackyflipside – In the «dark times» it’s just as I said, a lot like «withdrawl» from substance abuse. If you want the specifics, I’ll try to lay them out for you as best I can. Maybe this will clear up some of the misconceptions people have over what actually happens when you lift weights. Then again, maybe monkeys will fly out of my behind…
    Most people think the only part of the body to adapt to lifting are the muscles, tendons, ligaments, etc. In fact, the brain also adapts to whatever stress you put on the body. It physically changes its structure and ability to deal with chemicals which directly relate to your physical activity. If you are a runner, youll get better at making and using chemicals which deal with running.
    One thing that pissed me off about IA is his insistence that the CNS fatigues in some way. Bulls**t. People are still taught that the nervous system runs off of electrical impulses like a power cable. It doesnt. The nerve impulses (synapses) run off of chemicals (neurotransmitters). If these chemicals are not present, there is no signal between brain and muscle. The reason you can measure electrical impulses in the nervous system is because the electrical impulse is a BYPRODUCT of this chemical reaction. Its called an electrochemical reaction.
    A large part of how strong we are is the ability to create and deal with a higher concentration of these neurotransmitters. The nerves develop more receptor sites to connect with them, and the glands learn to make more of the neurotransmitters themselves. Only then do you get a stronger impulse.
    When you start placing demands on the brain to lift maximum weights every day, it says «oh crap I need to learn how to make and use these chemicals or hes going to kill us». So it goes through an adaptive period where it shuts down some functions and tries to upgrade. These are the «dark times».
    The main chemical in muscle contraction is SEROTONIN. It actually regulates how HARD the muscle contracts, which is why only the heaviest weights seem to effect our mood, the reason why people shy away from maximal lifting and cower from the imaginary symptoms of overtraining.
    Serotonin just happens to be the main feel good hormone in the body. It directly effects your mood and mental outlook, your happiness and willingness to train. Your sleep, appetite, and also effects the cardiovascular system (your heart rate increases when you are supposedly overtrained – this is why). The serotonin cycle in the brain gets screwed up when drug addicts go into withdrawl (most recreational drugs artificially influence the serotonin pathways, which is why they are so much fun). There are other neurotransmitters which get effected by this (acetylcholine for example), but serotonin is the big one.
    So, when the body receives a demand to lift heavy things on a daily basis, the brain shuts down the serotonin receptors to upgrade them. The brain structure changes take a few days to a few weeks. Changes in individual nerves happen quickly, a few days at most. This is why the dark times occur. Its the adaptive period thats needed for the brain and body to get to the next higher level. Natures little joke is obviously making us feel like crap when we are actually improving.
    The body is trying to get us to stop the stress so it isnt forced to remodel the whole place, but thats exactly what you want. Thats why its so important to keep pounding away through it all. You want the greatest adaptation to take place.
    Guys who are afraid of this response are guys who are lifting because they like the way it makes them feel. If you do lighter workouts, this serotonin is raised, but there is no signal to adapt. You feel ‘high’. Basically lifting weights becomes like a drug. People feel better doing light useless workouts, just like they feel better taking a hit of crack. I think this is why no one wants to try lifting the Bulgarian way. They are addicts.
    You asked me about cortisol. There are no good and bad hormones. There are only hormones specific to your physical activity. Do you know why cortisol is released in weight lifting? Cortisol controls the blood pressure and concentration of blood sugar.
    With short bursts of intense lifting (singles and doubles), blood sugar is not the primary fuel. Blood sugar only becomes an issue when you are doing higher reps. Cortisol is released mainly as a way to cope with these high reps, a way to shuttle more fuel (blood sugar) into the muscle tissue by using higher blood pressure. This is one reason bodybuilders have their posing trunks in a bunch over it. Cortisol is dealt with just like serotonin. The body tries to adapt to using it, and all the bodybuilders run and scream. If they stuck with it theyd go through a response much like the ‘Dark times’, and theyd be able to handle more high rep sets afterwards.
    In this case, cortisol is specific to the activity bodybuilders, not power or olympic lifters. Keep your reps low and you never have to worry about it. (It has nothing to do with total volume, only reps in the set.)
    Thats funny what you mentioned about the Bulgarians having huge adrenals. It makes sense. They adapt by getting larger and stronger just like anything else. Thats also a great argument against limiting ‘genetics’. Someone else would look at normal sized adrenals and say they would obviously be overloaded by stress. The Bulgarians entire organism changed in response to their lifting. Form follows function. Awesome stuff.
    The adrenals dont only release cortisol, they release adrenaline as well. Adrenaline acts as one of the triggers to this adaptive period. You should go read the lecture by Ivan Abajiev here :
    – d=75
    He explains this whole adaptive period and how it effects more than just the musculature. Go read the paragraphs which start with:
    «So this is our aim when we are training athletes, that we would build up all those organs and muscles needed for a certain performance, not only the muscles, but the whole cardiovascular and other systems that support the working of the muscles in order for a better performance. The adaptive process however, does not only include all the lungs and the heart and the other organs that I mentioned.»
    So I hope I explained that all well enough. Bottom line, from a physiological standpoint – BROZ IS RIGHT. Let me know if you have any other questions.
    Take care.» (notater: Ivan Abadjieb det bulgarske systemet, bulgarian system, olympisk vektløfting).
    * John Broz – sitat av crackyflipside: training with high frequency.


    Glenn Pendlay om høyt treningsvolum og intensitet; det bulgarske systemet/bulgarian system. (notater: The Hormonal Fluctuation Model, Ivan Abadjieb, Caleb Ward, Jon North, olympisk vektløfting, Validation of a hormone controled training plan)
    – «I am very familiar with the originator of the bulgarian system, Ivan Abadjieb… I have spoken to him face to face about his system and his beliefs at length, and, he coached a couple of my athletes for about 6 months, even lived with them. So his methods, beliefs, and reliance on anabolics is not news to me.
    I am familiar with the Russian method. I learned the lifts from Medvedev, probably the most famous of the russian coaches and long time head coach of the russian national team. He was my first real coach during the time I was in Moscow in 1992.
    I am also familiar with the physiology of adaptation, and what happens to the body when it is pushed to the edge and even too far. My masters thesis, titled «Validation of a hormone controled training plan» involved pushing 9 national level lifters right to, and some through, the overtraining boundary and measuring all sorts of things to see how they reacted, and seeing if we could use hormonal measures to find the fine edge between training as hard as possible, and training to hard.
    And also for the record, none of the lifters I mentioned are using or have used anabolics… All are on the NAN program… something Bulgaria or Russia did NOT have to contend with back in the day. Ivan himself, when he was here in the USA coaching my lifters could not figure a way around the NAN program other than pay-offs, and couldnt quite understand why this wasnt possible in the USA as it had been in Bulgaria. So, if you know of a way around it, you are apparantly smarter than me, Ivan, or anyone else I know.
    Now, to an example of what my lifters are doing presently…
    Caleb Ward… top ranked Junior in the USA for the past two years, set 10 american records in one year his last year as a schoolage lifter and now closing in on the Junior records… who also by the way has always trained this way, ever since he was 12… has done approsimately the following last week…
    Keep in mind his max snatch is 160, max clean is 202, max jerk is 200, max clean and jerk is 195.
    Monday AM
    snatch up to 3 doubles with 140
    clean and jerk up to 3 doubles with 170
    Monday PM
    snatch to max, usually in training about 155, then do one or two doubles with 140kg
    clean and jerk to max, usually in training about 190 or so, then do one or two doubles with 170kg or so.
    back squat 5 sets of 5… this week he did it with 210kg
    this is representative of Mon, Wed, and Fri, except for the squatting. Front squatting is done on Wed, and we dont squat on Friday…
    Tue and Thur, there is only one workout, and it is maximum on both powersnatch and powerclean/jerk
    Saturday, one workout also, maximum for a set of back squats, just attempt a new maxumum for a set of 1, 3, or 5 reps, then on to maximum clean deadlift or snatch grip deadlift, done to failure trying for a max single.
    This is what Caleb is doing right now. If I were talking about Donny, it would be much the same, but you could also add in multiple maximal front squat workouts where he works up to a maximal single in extra workouts.
    If I were talking about what Caleb will be doing next week, you could drop out the 5 sets of 5 back squat on Monday, and add in a while bunch, maybe 6 or 7… front squat workouts where the goal is to get to a max single for the day.
    If I were talking about the hardest weeks ever… Mon Wed, and Fri, we would be working to max singles both morning and afternoon on snatrch and clean and jerk, then backing off to 5 sets of 2 with 10 or 15kg less also in each lift each workout. then max front squatting each workout… and Tue and Thur would also be to maximum, with back off sets of 2…
    Given the number of athletes, not just mine but many coaches, that are doing this sort of stuff every day and having success, you just CANNOT say that it doesnt work. And success in my book is national championships, american records… places on the world or pan-am team, etc…
    Oh and one more thing. I have coached Caleb his whole career, from age 12 to his present age of 19, with the exception of a 4-5 month period where he left to go to college in Northern Michigan, and was coached by someone with a different philosophy. Thought you couldnt go to max all the time… lots of periodization… higher volume with lower weights, rest weeks, gradually peaking for a meet… everything that some would say you HAVE to do… Caleb was calling me every other day *****ing and complaining… hurting from the higher reps and higher volume… knees hurt, back hurt, etc. came home after one semester.
    He could do the program I described… but when he went to a more «normal» program… it killed him. why? because he is ADAPTED to working like this. He is not ADAPTED to doing hundreds of reps with submaximal weights. He has demanded that his body perform the snatch and clean and jerk first for 20 or 30 reps each with 80% to 90% weights 3 times a week as a 12 year old, to performing these lifts with 90 to 95% weights for 10 or 12 reps each 3 times a week as a 13 year old, to performing at that level for 4 sessions a week as a 14 year old… to performing with maximal weights 4 days per week as a 15 year old… to performing maximal weights 5 days a week as a 16 and 17 year old… clear up to the performance of, during some weeks, maximal weights plus backoff sets 9 times a week as a 19 year old.
    If there is no derailing of the plan… before the 2012 olympic trials, he will be performing maximally 3 times a day on mon wed fri, and two times per day on tue, thur, and sat.
    It is a gradual progression to this workload, it takes, in some cases, years, and I have seen many, many lifters do it and have success. Some adapt faster than Caleb. Jon North got to the same workload Caleb is under in less than 2 years in the sport… and, he recently snatched 150kg as a 94kg lifter, and should make the Pan Am team this year.
    I understand that it is hard to conceptualize… maybe even hard to imagine. two experiences in my life stand out as the kind of «eye opening» experiences that have served me well when coaching.
    The first was when I was in high school, and flint pipeline from Odessa, Texas came to my small home town in Kansas and started hiring locals to be laborers on a 20 mile stretch of pipeline they were contracted to build from a local refinery to a storage facility. basic laboreres would be taking home around $600 a week. Keep in mind this was in 1987 or 1988, in a small town in kansas, and i was 17 years old and my friends were working at McDonalds as their summer job, and pulling down $3.35 per hour for 20 or 30 hours a week. I was too young to get on, but determined, and I ended up with a fake drivers license, along with my friend Barry Park who has since mended his ways and is a Minister for a church near Colorado springs. We both got hired. $600 a week was great, but to get it, we were out in the 100 degree heat all day. The whistle blew at 6am, we worked till 6pm, and for much of that time, peons like us had a shovel in our hands. Barry and me were both lifting weights that summer, him for football, me for wrestling. The first week, we both skipped a couple of workouts, hell we were falling asleep the minute we walked in the door home from work at 630 or so… the second week we felt better and were getting all our evening workouts at our local YMCA but we couldnt lift anything near our old weights… but a funny thing happened the fourth week… we started making PR’s again!!! I ended that summer way stronger than I began it, in spite of 12 hour a day, 6 day a week, of manual labor. I ADAPTED… and earned a bunch more money than my friends at McDonalds did…
    The second experience was about a year after my son was born, which would make it around 2002 or 2003. In 1993, married less than a week, I had bought a little crackerbox 700 or 800 square foot house in Wichita Falls, Texas. Lived in it a couple of years… then moved away for the Masters degree, then moved again for my wifes Masters degree… but kept the house and rented it out. In 1999, I moved back to WF with the wife, and moved back into the tiny house. When my son William was born, I realized the house was way too small. We looked around, but what we wanted was out of our reach. I decided to build on. I planned an addition that would double the size of the house to about 1400 square feet, and to swing it financially, I planned on building it myself. It took me a year of working evenings and weekends, but I built it. when it was done, I decided to re-roof the whole house when I shingled the addition, just so it woujld look the same. I did not have a nail gun, nor could I afford one. Over a period of 5 days, by myself, I shingled a 1400 square foot house, plus the garage. I was not skilled at this. Someone with the proper skills probably could have done it faster, but for me it was 4 days of sunlight to sundown, with a few extra hours gained with lights perched up there in the evenings… then finishing the 5th day, as I remember. I remember that my hammer hand, the right one, hurt so bad after the first day i had a hard time sleeping. the whole forearm felt as if it was swollen and aching and on fire. by the third day I hurt, but, probably in the knees more than the forearm, just from kneeling all day and hammering shingles. By the 5th day my arm felt fine. And, oddly enough, I noticed that the right forarm looked different… I measured them and noticed that the right arm was between 1/2 and 1 inch larger than the left, though they had been the same before the roofing started. So in 5 days, my arm and forearm had adapted to swinging that 22 ounce roofing hammer thousands and thousands of times a day… was not even sore anymore, and had grown significantly.
    The human body is really an amazing thing… dont sell it short!
    * Glenn Pendlay: Crossfit Forum: John Broz – Thoughts on Training volume:

  3. Takk for svar 🙂 Jeg kjenner et par som har hatt god effekt av intensiv trening over kortere perioder, om de har mye mengde i kroppen fra før, spesielt. Blir spennende å følge med.

  4. Yes, jeg vil vertfall fortsette å kjøre på med denne typen trening en stund til.

    Btw; Jeg vil ikke kategorisere rundt 18 t i uka som lavt volum 😉 Det blir ganske mange reps i hver økt, da jeg kjører pyramide oppover (med få reps og maksimal mobilisering – eksplosiv trening) + backoff sets i rykk, støt og bøy varianter. Pauser mellom sett varierer fra 1/2 til 4 min avhengig av hvor tungt det er.

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